
作者: 时间:2022-09-23 点击数:



国际海事组织秘书长在人的因素、培训和值班分委会第8次会议(HTW 8)开幕式上的讲话

Opening Address of the Secretary-General at the Ninth Session of the Sub-Committee on Human Element, Training and Watchkeeping (HTW 8) of the International Maritime Organization

国际海事组织人的因素、培训和值班分委会第8次会议(HTW 8)简报

Brief Report of HTW 8

国际海事组织秘书长在法律委员会第109届会议(LEG 109)开幕式上的讲话

Opening Address of the Secretary-General at the One Hundred and Ninth Session of the Legal Committee of the International Maritime Organization

国际海事组织法律委员会第109届会议(LEG 109)简报

Brief Report of LEG 109

国际海事组织秘书长在污染预防与应急分委会第9次会议(PPR 9)开幕式上的讲话

Opening Address of the Secretary-General at the Ninth Session of the Sub-Committee on Pollution Prevention and Response (PPR 9) of the International Maritime Organization

国际海事组织污染预防与应急分委会第9次会议(PPR 9)简报

Brief Report of PPR 9

国际海事组织秘书长在海上安全委员会第105届会议(MSC 105)开幕式上的讲话

Opening Address of the Secretary-General at the One Hundred and Fifth Session of the Maritime Safety Committee of the International Maritime Organization

国际海事组织海上安全委员会第105届会议(MSC 105)简报

Brief Report of MSC 105

国际海事组织秘书长在便利运输委员会第46届会议(FAL 46)开幕式上的讲话

Opening Address of the Secretary-General at the Forty-Sixth Session of the Facilitation Committee of the International Maritime Organization

国际海事组织便利运输委员会第46届会议(FAL 46)简报

Brief Report of FAL 46

国际海事组织秘书长在海上环境保护委员会第78届会议(MEPC 78)开幕式上的讲话

Opening Address of the Secretary-General at the Seventy-Eighth Session of the Marine Environment Protection Committee of the International Maritime Organization

国际海事组织海上环境保护委员会第78届会议(MEPC 78)简报

Brief Report of MEPC 78

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